Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

SCERP provides you 100% data ownership. Nobody except institute has direct access to the data layer. For further protection of your data, SCERP asks you to sign a data protection agreement that ensures data handover at any time in future.
SCERP provides extensive range of Modules which are designed to facilitate each and every activities of the Educational Institution.For example if any student is participating in any extra co-curricular activities, SCERP helps Institute to add entire information right from student’s participation to the final results.
It empowers students by giving them access to valuable e-content, fun & interactive quizzes, engaging video tutorials, assignments, etc enabling them to attend and clear online assessments.The software simplifies work for faculty as well. Faculty can create question papers - MCQs & descriptive, evaluate & track student performance, generate report cards and give instant feedback to maximize students' learning outcomes.
In that case, our team will first investigate whether the details is worth adding in the system or not. Once we analyze the depth of the need, our team will add on your request.
Change is a necessary thing in technology and so as we perform. Vast amount of new features and functionalities are added in SCERP which has always been beneficial.